Let's talk about speed. When you're driving down that lonesome highway and no other cars are on the road what does it matter how fast you go? The only thing you need to worry about is how big the animal is that wants to occupy the same part of the road you are on at the same time; moose , elk, bear, and pig or horse and cow come to mind. I've seen or heard of all of them and the damage they have caused. It has been cosmetic to the car you drive or bodily injury and death; I know a guy who hit a horse and he's lucky to be alive. Other than that speed is innocuous. I know they say speed kills but that's only if you hit something while doing it. If you don't no problem, don't run off the asphalt, no problem. So you're driving down the road and there is no body else but you and the cop with nothing better to do than sit in a blind and ambush you on a deserted highway except for the moving hazards of the animals and you get pulled over for speeding.
What do you do? Be polite first and do whatever the officer asks. Turning on your inside lights if it's dark out and keeping your hands on the steering wheel until you're asked to do otherwise goes a long way. Offer him everything he asks for while remaining calm is another plus for you. If he doesn't tell you why you are now having this conversation you should politely ask, "Sir can you tell me why you stopped me?". Now is the time to pay particular attention. If he is polite and tells you what he thinks you did you may have some hope. If he explains you are even better if you can come up with an explanation he has never heard. If he says I'll be right back no explanation will suffice; you are getting a ticket or warning the latter being preferable. Remain calm and polite regardless of how you feel because you are likely to feel screwed and you may well be. Take it to court if you feel that way but don't argue it on the street. You will only get more scrutiny. Even if you're right you're wrong according to the Officer. Keep this in mind if you find yourself in this situation. This is their bread and butter now that finances are all messed up and I suspect it will get worse. The supervisors are demanding statistics and you will be one of them. It's nothing personal just business like with the mob, gangs, and organized crime it's all the same. Sorry I don't have a sure fire get out but I don't think one exists. Don't even know why I bothered to spend the time to write about it really; it's just a suggestion on how things seem to be going. Don't drive without a license even if you think it is a right and not a privilege because no cops think that that are still employed or maybe there are some but they won't act like it. Make sure you have insurance and proper registration. If you don't you are a mark and you will be prosecuted without mercy. This started out about speed but any other violation of traffic laws will end up in the same way. Be careful, be respectful of everyone and avoid trouble. You can now be held for no reason at all by the military at least; let's hope our local law enforcement doesn't subscribe to the same standards. What ever happened to peace officers?
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