Thursday, October 11, 2012
I can’t do what you do
You don’t do what I do
It wouldn’t help me if you did
When you listen to my suggestion
It only makes you question
I try to see what is hid
If I focus my attention
And support what I mention
You can see it too
I follow what you teach
I never try to preach
Can not say who
But it is being done
We’ll see who won
When it’s all over
Has it begun
Make it priority one
Monday, May 28, 2012
Marco Andretti driving tip
I was pulling for Marco Andretti in the Indy 500. As I watched the replay of his crash I saw an opportunity to let off the brakes and maybe avoid the wall. If your tires aren't spinning and the brakes are locked you will keep going in the direction you were going when they locked. Putting more pressure on the brake pedal after they are locked does not help in any way. Your only hope is to get the wheels turning and maybe you can go in the direction your front wheels turn. I see it happen more often than not in motor racing. Bottom line do not lock up your tires because you will go farther than if you are threshold braking which means the tires are still turning however slightly and you can still steer a little. Remember pressure on the pedal is important and harder is not always better except for erections.
I bet Mario told him the same.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
martial arts
It turns out I've been a martial artist for 30 years. Started out as soldier in the US Army; very martial and artistic. Once done with that I became a deputy sheriff. Concerned with apprehension and not doing harm to suspects
I started to learn Judo. That lead to me becoming a defensive tactics instructor at the local police academy. I had
a good run of several years and trained many of those who became my superiors in my agency. I even had the pleasure
of my Sheriff do a ride along with me. In the mean time I was able to learn from a world renown master, Bo Sayoc, and have him at my 40th birthday party which was a surprise as it was on our regular training day. At the end of training that day he asked me to stay a little longer for advanced training which I readily agreed. It was a set up so when I got home everyone else including my training partners were at my house. It is a day I'll never forget. Bo died in 2007
unbeknownst to me because he had moved back to his homeland in the Phillipines. About a month after that I won the title of 2007 Combat Conditioning Athlete of the Year from Matt Furey another mentor and martial art instructor. I dedicate that title to Bo Sayoc who took me in and instructed me as one of his own. I will never forget him and cherish the time we had together until the day I die and maybe after if all goes well.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Stay thirsty my friends
I can never tell if these links work beforehand.It says add link I put it in and hope for the best. That's what it did for me below; it's worth looking at for sure. Ok it doesn't work unless you copy and paste the link. Yes, I don't know what I'm doing and the defaults of the blog definitely are not helping. I see now they don't want info passed along. How stupid I have been.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Physics ain't fun no more
Thanks all you lying physics bastards who promoted nuclear power as safe knowing the
waste would never be safe until never. Big FU's to all the shills who were in it for the money from whatever country. FUkushima will get you all along with the rest of the world's population. Poison purveyors at AEC, FDA, and all other agencies who promote floridated water and prohibit me from obtaining raw milk; WTF to infinity. Don't talk to me, don't write, and please stop breathing so the lies stop too. How many more nukes you gonna drop on us? What else you gonna weaponize besides our air,water,and food? Add chemists, botanists, and all other sellouts to GMO corporations and CDC,etc.
The Justice Dept. is anything but that, all govt' sponsored entities oppose our heritage and what used to be the American way so what can we take away from that. We are slated for extinction by every means "they" can muster. Even doctors and dentists and "public servants" are indoctrinated under the spell of the status quo in their respective fields. It doesn't take that critical of an eye to see. My hope is waning that there is any way to turn back the tide of death and destruction proliferated by governments in every area of the globe. When they come for us there will be nobody to stand for us because we have stood for no one else. Is that our destiny? And that doesn't even touch on the gang and racist elements proliferation. Who is your worst enemy? Can't even tell anymore.
Friday, April 27, 2012
From 1929, last year of the quarter eagle too.
"By the law of diminishing returns our desperate century forfeits the chance of being happy and, because it finds happiness insipid, our world is regressing to chaos." - Cyril Connolly
Thursday, April 26, 2012
The People don't matter
House ignores the will of the people, passes cybersecurity bill after ignoring everything else Americans want and
stand for when it comes to freedom from tyranny.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
What speeding will get you
Let's talk about speed. When you're driving down that lonesome highway and no other cars are on the road what does it matter how fast you go? The only thing you need to worry about is how big the animal is that wants to occupy the same part of the road you are on at the same time; moose , elk, bear, and pig or horse and cow come to mind. I've seen or heard of all of them and the damage they have caused. It has been cosmetic to the car you drive or bodily injury and death; I know a guy who hit a horse and he's lucky to be alive. Other than that speed is innocuous. I know they say speed kills but that's only if you hit something while doing it. If you don't no problem, don't run off the asphalt, no problem. So you're driving down the road and there is no body else but you and the cop with nothing better to do than sit in a blind and ambush you on a deserted highway except for the moving hazards of the animals and you get pulled over for speeding.
What do you do? Be polite first and do whatever the officer asks. Turning on your inside lights if it's dark out and keeping your hands on the steering wheel until you're asked to do otherwise goes a long way. Offer him everything he asks for while remaining calm is another plus for you. If he doesn't tell you why you are now having this conversation you should politely ask, "Sir can you tell me why you stopped me?". Now is the time to pay particular attention. If he is polite and tells you what he thinks you did you may have some hope. If he explains you are even better if you can come up with an explanation he has never heard. If he says I'll be right back no explanation will suffice; you are getting a ticket or warning the latter being preferable. Remain calm and polite regardless of how you feel because you are likely to feel screwed and you may well be. Take it to court if you feel that way but don't argue it on the street. You will only get more scrutiny. Even if you're right you're wrong according to the Officer. Keep this in mind if you find yourself in this situation. This is their bread and butter now that finances are all messed up and I suspect it will get worse. The supervisors are demanding statistics and you will be one of them. It's nothing personal just business like with the mob, gangs, and organized crime it's all the same. Sorry I don't have a sure fire get out but I don't think one exists. Don't even know why I bothered to spend the time to write about it really; it's just a suggestion on how things seem to be going. Don't drive without a license even if you think it is a right and not a privilege because no cops think that that are still employed or maybe there are some but they won't act like it. Make sure you have insurance and proper registration. If you don't you are a mark and you will be prosecuted without mercy. This started out about speed but any other violation of traffic laws will end up in the same way. Be careful, be respectful of everyone and avoid trouble. You can now be held for no reason at all by the military at least; let's hope our local law enforcement doesn't subscribe to the same standards. What ever happened to peace officers?
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Fun with Physics
(hăd'rŏn') pronunciation
Any of a class of subatomic particles that are composed of quarks and take part in the strong interaction.
[Greek hadros, thick + -ON1.]
hadronic had·ron'ic adj.
Read more:
And here too. It just occurred to me that along with quarks come quirks. I'll spell it out. An anagram for hadron is hardon or hard on. That can't be an accident; physicists are fucking comedians too. They are shooting hadrons at each other or into each other all over the place. They talk about the birth of the universe as a big bang. My too literal
mind only now picked this up. They hid it from me in plain sight, very clever. They talk about quarks as up or down,
strange, anti-quarks, pions,pee on, pie on, mesons, mess on, baryons, bury one, antipions, anti pie, so on and so
forth. I can see them saying, "I got your large hadron collider right here", as they grab their crotch. They say they
can make black holes too; now that's deep stuff. Do they rib each other like school boys? Kiss my hadron you quark.
Enough pleeease.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Why Comply?
Considering that we are born into circumstances that we had no hand in creating or fashioning in any manner what
other than threat of force obliges us to buy into the paradigm? Nothing is the answer I propose. We are acculturated,
socialized, "educated" to be minions of those who have achieved power before we arrived. We are literally hazed into
acquiescence to the standards that precede us in whatever culture or society we arrive.
That is that and it has been so from who knows when. The thing is now that we were done that way today's milieu is
changing the game rules on us. Being brought up to be frugal and save my pennies and be responsible and law abiding
it is those who do not do so that prosper most. Even though a few old school types do proper it is the scofflaws that
are now making out the best. Congress passes laws that are obviously Un-Constitutional with no remorse. SCOTUS doesn't
knock them down and decides we can be strip searched for a civil infraction that is not even a misdemeanor. WTF is
going on? That's not even the half of our going to hell in a hand basket. We can be "detained" indefinitely without charge no lawyer and no trial for no reason other than disagreeing with what's going on or any policy or stance our so called government takes. Even writing what I'm writing here may be enough to get me done in by the powers who think
they can assassinate American Citizens on their whim because they know best.
I was in the US Army for four years, '82-86, I was a Deputy Sheriff from '88-09 and in all those years I swore to
uphold the Constitution of the United States and defend it. All those others mentioned earlier did the same but they aren't doing it. I am by saying this now. Be careful here; any law that is Un-Constitutional is no law; it is tyranny. That doesn't mean it won't get you killed for not complying. There must be some line that cannot be crossed. Where will
we take our stand. Stand and deliver, strike a pose, assume a posture, make every stand like it's your last,
stand fast, and alone if necessary. Do not forsake descencsy or what you believe is moral and just because the so
called "leaders" of the nation have done so for their own ends. Hope not to see you in the American Gulag; if I do
that would mean I have failed miserably. But we'll go on from there until they kill us all and for what we stand.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
The Wind Blows
The Winds blow. And so do a bunch of other motherfuckers. You know who they are and I don't even have to name them.
It's so obvious that they know it too and don't care because they are handsomely paid to misinform, misappropriate,
mislead, mismanage, misrepresent, mislay, mishandle, misguide, and misgovern. OK, the last word of that sentence gives
it all away as to who they are and that can't be misinterpreted. Or am I mistaken? Do I miscast or misconstrue the true miscreant who does more mischief than good with their misdeeds? Me thinks not because the miserable misfits misdeal
with us daily and cover their misconduct misanthropically. These are not misdemeanors but felony misdoings. What misconceived mischievous mishmash will turn into a misprision of justice next? I don't think I've mismatched or misread or misstated the villain here. No misunderstanding was the mission of this missive.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Feb. 1st 2012 is 2/1/12. 2112 was an album done by Rush in 1976. I saw them open for Blue Oyster Cult at a concert in Chattanooga, TN about that same year. It was very intense to say the least. I don't remember the songs but I remember what it felt like. They had a presence and added to the Cult it was powerful. I thought Rush was the most impressive group even though I went to see Blue Oyster Cult. There was a mind game going on there and I'm not sure it wasn't a battle for souls. I can still feel the vibe when I think about it. Don't fear the reaper!
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