Want to know why the local police are laying off and firing and retiring personnel. I made it a statement and not a question. It's so that the govt can bypass posse commitatis and place Army and National Guard Soldiers in place to pacify the citizenry. Except that the Army and National Guard are too busy elsewhere and UN troops will fill the void. Wait and see. I'm not the first to say so but I'm in the vanguard that told my friends who were mostly cops. They didn't believe me. Crime rises and cops get terminated. Crimes get no response like in Oakland. People now more than ever need to be able and willing to protect themselves. Cops won't do it. Thank God and the founders of the Republic for pointing out that everyone has the right to defend themselves. Arm yourself and become proficient at arms because you are on your own. No local, state, or federal agency gives a rats ass about your survival; they only care how much revenue you can provide. Judges are especially contemptible because their salary is paid out of the take from court proceedings in many places.
More fines and higher fees for everything in a time when Americans are losing their jobs and homes is a clue that they want an uprising in order to place more restrictions on the people. We can't even vote the bastards out just look at what the latest lame duck congress has pushed through in the last month of 2010. They made a point of pushing unpopular legislation through because they could. If the imposter they call the President endorses it you can be assured that your life means nothing to present government. If that is the case how can you condone it? Check your history and make a stand. You have been tossed to the wind.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Every American should read this and take it seriously!
Life is a martial art.
Life is a martial art.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Works and Shoots
It is more than obvious that government cannot ensure your safety. In fact they cannot ensure anything but deprivation of freedom to act in your own behalf. You can't possibly make decisions on what you should eat, drink, or make you merry because you are too stupid and uninformed. They know this because they have guided your education from the cradle. What they didn't count on was that some would actually question the authority and read and learn on their own. It has taken me many years to get to this conclusion. I was born in 1956 and until 2003 I believed in the idea that our government was there for us. It was a lie the entire time. They are there for them, the "elite" which includes the university level professors of falsehood. One can't get to those levels without buying in or selling out. The rest of us are useless eaters, patsies, or pawns as far as they are concerned. We are only here to do their bidding and fill their coffers and they offer us only that we can be like them, maybe even POTUS despite the fact we born in a log cabin or from parts unknown. I used to like to watch professional wrestling. Then I learned that there were works and shoots. Works meant that the outcome was predetermined and shoots meant that the participants didn't go along necessarily and the outcome was determined by effort of the participants. There were marks and smart marks also. The marks were the ones who believed the whole deal and the smart marks were the ones who knew how things were orchestrated but kept watching anyway because it was a good time for them.
That's what we have now in government and world politics. The only difference is that everything is a work on government side worldwide. The only shoot comes in when the people throw their support behind what governments don't want. The problem is that most shoots are overridden by legislators who have sold out to the company. They have someone interfere with the match to the point that the shooter is disqualified or overwhelmed by a superior force. Look at bailouts, mortgage fraud, money manipulation, metals manipulation, market manipulation, war, false flags, oil and disaster, response to natural or man made disaster and on and on. On the face of it it looks like terrorists are being recruited to further the war on terrorism. That's what it looks like. I'd like to be convinced otherwise but the circumstantial evidence makes it impossible. If you don't see it you don't but if you don't you're not looking. The World Wrestling Federation had to change it's name to World Wrestling Entertainment because it was gimmick infringement on what has been going on since the Roman Empire and the Empire struck back.
That's what we have now in government and world politics. The only difference is that everything is a work on government side worldwide. The only shoot comes in when the people throw their support behind what governments don't want. The problem is that most shoots are overridden by legislators who have sold out to the company. They have someone interfere with the match to the point that the shooter is disqualified or overwhelmed by a superior force. Look at bailouts, mortgage fraud, money manipulation, metals manipulation, market manipulation, war, false flags, oil and disaster, response to natural or man made disaster and on and on. On the face of it it looks like terrorists are being recruited to further the war on terrorism. That's what it looks like. I'd like to be convinced otherwise but the circumstantial evidence makes it impossible. If you don't see it you don't but if you don't you're not looking. The World Wrestling Federation had to change it's name to World Wrestling Entertainment because it was gimmick infringement on what has been going on since the Roman Empire and the Empire struck back.
gimmick infringement,
Monday, October 4, 2010
Maui Tacos 5k
On 9-18-10 I ran the Maui Tacos 5k in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii. I made it in 33:16. I don't train running to be competitive. I only did it because my wife made me do it. She paid for the trip so I had to go along. She's the runner and did the warrior (Kao pu ali') challenge half marathon in 2:05; that's 13.1 miles plus the 5k plus a one mile sprint both the day before. We snorkeled and drove the Hana Hwy and visited the Surfing Goat Dairy. The plane ride both ways was excruciating making the saying "no pain no gain" a reality. I'm glad I went but now I want to move there except I don't want to be on an island in the middle of the Pacific a 2500 mile plane ride from the mainland. If the planes stop flying that's a long swim or paddle or sail and I'm not up for any of those. It was very expensive to do anything as well. I guess I'll just stay put.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Without my Consent
I do not consent. To what? Synthetic viruses, compulsory vaccination, required health insurance and fines if you don't comply, wars based on lies, total surveillance on where you drive, how you bank and on what you spend your money, etc. Give me reliable information don't tell me what to think. Why would info on the JFK assassination be sealed for decades if there wasn't a cover-up? It must be because they want everyone involved or knowledgeable about the subject to be dead before the truth comes out. National security can have nothing to do with it unless it was subverted to the point that the nation has been altered to the point of not being the same nation anymore and the people would want to revert and regain it if the truth were known.
We the people are being bamboozled at every turn. Why would they allow the exponential poisoning of the Gulf by adding dispersants to the oil that make them substantially more poisonous? Do you think they didn't know the effects beforehand?
I do not consent to biochips, chem-trails, HAARP, genetically modified organisms for food, thought police, forced or stealth religious/political conversions, prohibition of herbal/vitamin/mineral supplements, forced norms of body weight, blood pressure, or cholesterol. That is enough examples for now but I could go on about taxes of many kinds and so forth. I won't tell you what to think about the ramifications of all the above because I want you to get informed and make up your own mind.
Watch how the seductions are delivered and by whom. Watch for promises of security and the impact on your choices/liberty/freedom. Question who benefits, qui bono.
We the people are being bamboozled at every turn. Why would they allow the exponential poisoning of the Gulf by adding dispersants to the oil that make them substantially more poisonous? Do you think they didn't know the effects beforehand?
I do not consent to biochips, chem-trails, HAARP, genetically modified organisms for food, thought police, forced or stealth religious/political conversions, prohibition of herbal/vitamin/mineral supplements, forced norms of body weight, blood pressure, or cholesterol. That is enough examples for now but I could go on about taxes of many kinds and so forth. I won't tell you what to think about the ramifications of all the above because I want you to get informed and make up your own mind.
Watch how the seductions are delivered and by whom. Watch for promises of security and the impact on your choices/liberty/freedom. Question who benefits, qui bono.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Normal, to be or not to be
I postulate that just like everyone has a different set of fingerprints we also develop individually, that is everyone is in a different state of development or a different place literally than anyone else. Even if two people were in the same “phase” they would be at different points somewhere in the parameters. What this leads me to is that there is no normal except as a construct of a range of limits agreed upon and usually constructed by so called experts. An example of normality is the blood work done for physical exams. There is a range in which each tested category is considered normal and out side that range your doctor gets to charge you more for further testing. As an aside why do you suppose they keep lowering the acceptable range for such things as cholesterol and blood pressure? I say it is because they know that less and less people can fall into that range and they can charge for more tests and get you on some treatment program that requires scheduled maintenance and that will keep you as a regular customer coming back more often and spending more money.
Those type measurements are at least empirical in that they actually measure the level or amount of something definite. Where normal really gets weird is measuring some state of mind or mental or behavioral process. Once again standards are set by so called experts but these experts don't deal in empirical values. They deal in arbitrary concepts or constructs of someones imagination that have gained some following because they can now be used for labeling a targeted population in order to control and extract profit from them. The depressed come to mind in that one of the biggest money making schemes of all time is their treatment. I don't really know how they measure depression but it seems to me that one only need to believe one is depressed to be so. In fact it must be very easy to convince people they are depressed because of all the anti-depressant drugs dished out and the concomitant problems they cause as it seems all have warnings that feelings of suicide may be side effects of the drugs. How un-laughably funny is that? Even if you don't get suicidal you walk around in some state that is definitely not normal and are inducted into the parade of perpetual maintenance schemes. How much recreational use of these drugs is the real motivation behind getting them and their legality and ease of acquisition of course is another consideration?
Back to normal. That is the question. Normal, normal or maverick normal? Berserk make your on rules maverick normal is not for everybody but that's what I'll take because I like righteous defiance in the face of oppressive labeling and techniques of control. Run first ask questions later.
Prozac (made by Lilly)--consumer cost: $247.47 per 100 pills / active ingredient cost: 11 cents per 100 pills
Xanax (made by Pfizer)--consumer cost: $136.79 / active ingredient cost: 24 cents
Monday, June 14, 2010
Things Change
When I was preschool age I always lived in an extended family environment, with grandparents or aunts and uncles. One day I was playing on the stairs with a Slinky; I don't know if they still make them but they were basically a metal spring. I was walking the Slinky down the stairs because that was basically all they were good for. I don't remember how the conversation got started but my mom was telling me that I would have to go to school soon. My grandmother always read us bedtime stories and we children loved it. Since I liked to be read to my mom assumed that it would be an enticement that I would learn to read in school, that was over 45 years ago when there were still separate facilities for whites and "coloreds". Why would I say such a thing, because it is true and emphasizes how things change. The crux of the matter is that I told her vehemently that I didn't want to go to school much less learn to read.
It turned out that I actually liked school and even tried to excel in it. I also like to read and as a teen I liked fiction. I didn't know then that that was mostly what was being taught in school anyway. Not many years ago I decided that I would mostly read non-fiction to catch up on my real education and what I've learned since has turned my world every which way. What do I mean? I see that most of the fictions were made practical because of being shared as beliefs and that a lot of what is true does not help in this realm other than to cause contention with the fiction believers. Just take a look at politics and main stream media/news. Fiction is by far the medium of exchange even so in medicine and science. Experts tell us what they want us to think not what we should know.
We think there is no cure for cancer or diabetes. We think lower cholesterol makes a difference in rate of heart attacks. We think UFOs are just that and government is for the people and that vaccines are helpful. We think that if we work hard we can succeed on that merit alone. We think that if everyone is being watched by security cameras that it will stop crime and reduce car wrecks but in reality all these things just put money in someone Else's pockets and that was by design.
We think that history has unfolded by a series of accidents and coincidence and by the luck of the draw. If we don't have what we need we are unlucky or less fortunate and perhaps we don't work hard enough. By the by the hardest working people that I've observed are the ones with the least. And those that produce least have the most because they have produced fictions like derivatives and fiat currencies. I know this a generalization and stereotypical.
Back to the topic what I have not learned through experience I have learned through reading and observing. The catch is what is true. What are the coded double speak and symbols doing to us? How can we know? Can we identify the fictions when we see them? Not all but some perhaps. How true can we be to ourselves?
What will change one's outlook? I have more questions than answers.
I'm glad I learned to read and that there are not separate facilities anymore or are they just called by another name with a different veneer. How easily I grow tired of these musings much like watching a Slinky descend the stairs.
Things change and people change by being replaced but as with Led Zeppelin "The Song Remains the Same".
It turned out that I actually liked school and even tried to excel in it. I also like to read and as a teen I liked fiction. I didn't know then that that was mostly what was being taught in school anyway. Not many years ago I decided that I would mostly read non-fiction to catch up on my real education and what I've learned since has turned my world every which way. What do I mean? I see that most of the fictions were made practical because of being shared as beliefs and that a lot of what is true does not help in this realm other than to cause contention with the fiction believers. Just take a look at politics and main stream media/news. Fiction is by far the medium of exchange even so in medicine and science. Experts tell us what they want us to think not what we should know.
We think there is no cure for cancer or diabetes. We think lower cholesterol makes a difference in rate of heart attacks. We think UFOs are just that and government is for the people and that vaccines are helpful. We think that if we work hard we can succeed on that merit alone. We think that if everyone is being watched by security cameras that it will stop crime and reduce car wrecks but in reality all these things just put money in someone Else's pockets and that was by design.
We think that history has unfolded by a series of accidents and coincidence and by the luck of the draw. If we don't have what we need we are unlucky or less fortunate and perhaps we don't work hard enough. By the by the hardest working people that I've observed are the ones with the least. And those that produce least have the most because they have produced fictions like derivatives and fiat currencies. I know this a generalization and stereotypical.
Back to the topic what I have not learned through experience I have learned through reading and observing. The catch is what is true. What are the coded double speak and symbols doing to us? How can we know? Can we identify the fictions when we see them? Not all but some perhaps. How true can we be to ourselves?
What will change one's outlook? I have more questions than answers.
I'm glad I learned to read and that there are not separate facilities anymore or are they just called by another name with a different veneer. How easily I grow tired of these musings much like watching a Slinky descend the stairs.
Things change and people change by being replaced but as with Led Zeppelin "The Song Remains the Same".
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
A friend sent me the link and wrote the following:
The bitch said it!!!!!
Satan I mean Michelle Obama said the long legged Mack daddy is Kenyan!!!
Would knowledge of that be considered conspiracy to defraud the American people who voted for an ineligible candidate? She knows it; the Chief Justice who flubbed the swearing in knows it and the flub was the get around because he wasn't officially made the President, so we have an illegitimate candidate posing as POTUS and we sit by and watch the pro-politicians ruin everything we ever believe we stood for. What should be the penalty for all those that knew before or know now in government that don't bring action to remove the pretender/usurper? If there is Karma I hope it has a big boot with which to kick those asses that really deserve it.
This is an example of the games we're in that I want to address. There are rules that seem to be ever changing or totally disregarded so how can we expect any semblance of fair play/treatment?
I'll answer my own question. We cannot expect fair play/treatment. That is why it is most important to learn the art of the MaverickPawn. Unfortunately there are no teachers of this art but per se but experience. And reading the blogs I follow will help considerably I'm sure.
I tire quickly talking of these things.
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