I do not consent. To what? Synthetic viruses, compulsory vaccination, required health insurance and fines if you don't comply, wars based on lies, total surveillance on where you drive, how you bank and on what you spend your money, etc. Give me reliable information don't tell me what to think. Why would info on the JFK assassination be sealed for decades if there wasn't a cover-up? It must be because they want everyone involved or knowledgeable about the subject to be dead before the truth comes out. National security can have nothing to do with it unless it was subverted to the point that the nation has been altered to the point of not being the same nation anymore and the people would want to revert and regain it if the truth were known.
We the people are being bamboozled at every turn. Why would they allow the exponential poisoning of the Gulf by adding dispersants to the oil that make them substantially more poisonous? Do you think they didn't know the effects beforehand?
I do not consent to biochips, chem-trails, HAARP, genetically modified organisms for food, thought police, forced or stealth religious/political conversions, prohibition of herbal/vitamin/mineral supplements, forced norms of body weight, blood pressure, or cholesterol. That is enough examples for now but I could go on about taxes of many kinds and so forth. I won't tell you what to think about the ramifications of all the above because I want you to get informed and make up your own mind.
Watch how the seductions are delivered and by whom. Watch for promises of security and the impact on your choices/liberty/freedom. Question who benefits, qui bono.
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