It is more than obvious that government cannot ensure your safety. In fact they cannot ensure anything but deprivation of freedom to act in your own behalf. You can't possibly make decisions on what you should eat, drink, or make you merry because you are too stupid and uninformed. They know this because they have guided your education from the cradle. What they didn't count on was that some would actually question the authority and read and learn on their own. It has taken me many years to get to this conclusion. I was born in 1956 and until 2003 I believed in the idea that our government was there for us. It was a lie the entire time. They are there for them, the "elite" which includes the university level professors of falsehood. One can't get to those levels without buying in or selling out. The rest of us are useless eaters, patsies, or pawns as far as they are concerned. We are only here to do their bidding and fill their coffers and they offer us only that we can be like them, maybe even POTUS despite the fact we born in a log cabin or from parts unknown. I used to like to watch professional wrestling. Then I learned that there were works and shoots. Works meant that the outcome was predetermined and shoots meant that the participants didn't go along necessarily and the outcome was determined by effort of the participants. There were marks and smart marks also. The marks were the ones who believed the whole deal and the smart marks were the ones who knew how things were orchestrated but kept watching anyway because it was a good time for them.
That's what we have now in government and world politics. The only difference is that everything is a work on government side worldwide. The only shoot comes in when the people throw their support behind what governments don't want. The problem is that most shoots are overridden by legislators who have sold out to the company. They have someone interfere with the match to the point that the shooter is disqualified or overwhelmed by a superior force. Look at bailouts, mortgage fraud, money manipulation, metals manipulation, market manipulation, war, false flags, oil and disaster, response to natural or man made disaster and on and on. On the face of it it looks like terrorists are being recruited to further the war on terrorism. That's what it looks like. I'd like to be convinced otherwise but the circumstantial evidence makes it impossible. If you don't see it you don't but if you don't you're not looking. The World Wrestling Federation had to change it's name to World Wrestling Entertainment because it was gimmick infringement on what has been going on since the Roman Empire and the Empire struck back.
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